We established the Micro Drainage Concept after five years of evaluation on understanding how it functions beneath surface. There is a lack of understanding on combining drainage with soil biology. MICRO DRAINAGE CONCEPTS is a free information center, providing feedback by farmer’s, as well as evaluating, fabricating and training by the Micro Drainage Concepts team.
Evaluating golf courses has been a great resource for understanding the time frame of quicker, shallower drainage effects. There are some factors behind golf course research on HOW drainage functions. So why couldn’t we read between the lines and apply to the agriculture world?
After the last several years of evaluating between conventional farming to biological farming of bias on both sides due to lack of understanding of both parties. The success we have is the right placement, combined with understanding soil biology, and the proper tile size which also allows cost savings.
Now that we understand the infiltration rates between high tillage and depleting soil life (1/4” to 1” coefficient per 24 hr. period) v/s increasing your soil life by working on your soil biology (which have up to 10” per hr. coefficient under right conditions) which creates a quicker drainage function.
After evaluation, we found these key factors effect performance: how much rainfall per year, the intensity of rainfall (in the most critical time) and what type of crop is being planted. These determine whether we need drainage or not.